

I made my first soy scented candle!

So I've been an avid Sephora (Zoom-based) workshop participant during this whole pandemic. The ones for Gold members are less about product pitches and more about wellness. I've attended HIIT, yoga and pilates classes, how to create a spa at home with face massaging techniques and making relaxing teas. I've learned about floral arrangement and floral painting with watercolour (which incidentally started my current obsession with abstract florals). And my most recent workshop was making my own scented candle! :)

It was so easy! I think some people might be getting scented candles for Christmas this year! *winks* And I definitely will not be buying any more overpriced scented candles.

What about you? Have you tried making soy scented candles? Do you have any tips for a newbie?




  1. I used to make candles many years ago. It is fun, but I never used them. I gave my candle making supplies to a friend who gets a lot more use out of them than I did.


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  3. Well good on you! I have not tried to make candles, only decorate already made ones a long time ago... have fun creating..


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Cheers, Yvonne.