

Recent watercolour floral painting practice pieces


Hello friends! Just wanted to share recent watercolour floral painting practice pieces with you today. 

I mean it was a total obsession for me in the month of July. I was doing at least ONE a day and three or four on the weekends. You know how I get when I'm obsessed right? Yep, full immersion. *LOL*

Some were borderline decent till almost the end when I tried to do too much. And totally ruin them. Let's not see those. Let's just have a look at those work-in-progress shots that might look like potential masterpieces shall we? *winks*

Some are actually incomplete because I messed up somewhere and might just go in with other mixed media supplies to "save" them later.

Some looked like a kid's crayon drawing...because I went a little colour-crazy.

For some, the composition was a little "off" and I didn't know how to actually "finish".

But ultimately it was about having fun and I did! *triumphant music plays in the background*

I really enjoy doing abstract floral paintings because they can be done fast and there's a messy artistic quality to them.

Hope you are enjoying your Thursday! :)



  1. They look beautiful! Keep up with this obsession because you clearly have watercolor talent. My favorite is the envelope.

  2. them all. The tiger lily catches my attention.

  3. These all look so pretty.. I could see them in frames on the wall or the front of cards.. well done!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.