

Workspace Wednesday - the world's ugliest donuts edition *warning*


Brace yourselves my friends. This is a photo that you cannot unsee. *dramatic music plays in the background*

Meet the world's ugliest air-fryer donuts. *LOL*

This, my friends, is real life. My very first attempt at making donuts. And they turned out looking like some kid's play version. 

Can I give you a run-through of the dramatic events leading up to this catastrophe?

First of all, I had problems with the dough. I used my stand mixer with a hook attachment but the dough didn't pull away from the bowl to form a "ball". I added more flour and it made no difference. I let the dough rest for a little to let the gluten strengthen before mixing again. There was a slight improvement but the dough was still very wet.  At this point, I decided that I will help it along with some hand kneading. Which worked. I could form it into a cohesive bowl and let it double in size in an hour.

After that I proceeded to roll the dough and cut the donuts with a round cookie cutter. But after they rested for 30 minutes, they got a lot bigger and stuck to each other. So I had trouble getting them apart without "ruining" the perfect rounds. Squish #1. Then of course, my air-fryer basket was really small but I decided to pack 3 donuts and they got further squished in the air-fryer. Squish #2.

I was told to glaze the donuts while they were still warm but they were too hot to handle so I used tongs. Squish #3. And of course, dropped them in the glaze instead of dipping them in the glaze. Shall we blame Murphy's Law?

And that my friends, is the story of how the world's ugliest donuts came to be. 


P/s: They were very soft and moist and yummy though. :)



  1. They don't look that bad. Glad they were delicious!

    I've made donuts before and added them to my list of foods that are easier, cheaper, and better to buy. Croissants are on the list too. I'm glad I've made them, but I'm happy to leave it to the professionals.

  2. I've seen worse... serioudsly! Besides, what they taste like is what's most important!

  3. You are very brave and honest to show the doughnuts on your blog. They look edible and most of all they were tasty. (I don't photograph my boo-boos. I just eat them! LOL!)

  4. The main thing is that they were edible.. who cares what they look like!!!


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Cheers, Yvonne.