

The one about my sister's delivery gig


So my sister started her part-time food delivery journey with Food Panda (local food delivery platform) over the weekend. Her way of experiencing the food delivery process, burn some calories on the bike during her free time and getting really familiar with our neighbourhood.

My sister says that it's pretty cool to be cycling around the neighbourhood, get a notification on her phone for a delivery and make $5 en route home. *winks*

Can you tell that I had so much fun with this layout? *LOL*

I threw in some of my travel stash too. Got the approval from my sister ...she said some of the places she had to cycle to were quite far away...up a her legs got quite a workout! 

So happy to get to use up my burger and popsicle chipboards too. :)

Yep, my sister is as much an extrovert as I am an introvert. This is her way of de-stressing when gyms are still closed. I will just be baking and making art. Hahaha!

What about you? Would you try a food delivery gig?

Playing along with The Studio Challenges.



  1. That is a fun post. Your layout is enjoyable to look at. Your sister's delivery job is admirable and good for her health. I would NEVER attempt such a strenuous one would get their food. LOL!

  2. Very fun layout! I would absolutely hate delivering food by bike. There's the introvert/extrovert thing, the fact that I want to bike only when and where I want to bike, and probably most importantly, I'd want to eat the food I was delivering!

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Cheers, Yvonne.