

The one about the egg mayo sandwich


The upside of staying at home is that you can take the time to enjoy the process of making something you like to eat from scratch. Like my egg mayo sandwich. :)

On Saturday afternoon, I decided that I wanted to have Japanese egg mayo sandwich for breakfast the next day. And of course, that required making the Hokkaido milk bread for the sandwich first.

"No, she didn't!" her bloggy friends gasped!

Well of course I did. *winks*

I made the dough and let it rest (pic1), then I shaped the dough and let it proof in the tin (pic 2) before baking in the oven (pic 3). Next I let it cool in the tin for 10 minutes (pic 4) before taking it out to cool partially on the wire rack (pic 5). 

[I brought it to my bedroom to cool completely for the night so that I get first dibs on it in the morning!]

The next morning, I sliced my bread (pic 6), giddy with excitement. :)

I spread the butter on a slice of bread and added my egg mayo filling (hardboiled eggs, bacon, Japanese mayo, salt and pepper to taste) (pic 7). And then gave it to nephew #1 who was waiting to try my "masterpiece". *LOL*

I made another one for myself, took a photo (pic 8) and finally tucked into my homemade egg mayo sandwich. It was sooooooo good.  :)

Unfortunately for me, that was my ONE and only slice of bread after all the hard work. *sad music plays in the background* The other Yams ate the rest.

Lots of sticker bits...

Playing along with Stick It Down.



  1. Amazing bread! So professional looking....time for you to open a bakery.

  2. Looking so lovely & delicious. It's the time for you to start your own business of baery & for startup I recommend you custom food & beverage boxes for food boxes or bakery packaging. This company gives you best deals with free shipment & free design support & give you best quality branded boxes that attract more customers.

  3. Wow that bread looks amazing.. I hope it tasted really good.. and maybe keep it in your room so you get to eat more of the next loaf you make!!!!

  4. Very pretty layout. I like those hearts and your title work is so fun! Thanks for joining us at Stick it Down!

  5. YUM! That looks so good. I love that you had to hide the bread in your room to get first dibs. Sounds like you should have squirreled an extra piece away in there, too!


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Cheers, Yvonne.