

Your weekend project - a sweet treat box


Hello friends! What are your weekend plans? How about decorating a sweet treat box, filling it up and giving it away? 

This year has just been one with lots of ups and downs - there's a little upside with the global vaccine rollouts and then the political turmoil and natural disasters are dampening the positive vibes. 

I think everyone of us deserves a sweet treat box from a well-meaning friend/neighbour/relative. Fill it up with something meaningful to the recipient (art supplies for kids, an at-home spa kit, home-baked goodies). We could all do with a little kindness right now.

I started with this lovely sturdy box from Fresh.

I really wanted to use this vintage postcard patterned paper...

And just built the rest of the elements around the vintage/travel them.

I've kept most of the elements flat for postal-friendly reasons. :)

Happy weekend friends! 



  1. Very thoughtful!

    How is vaccination coming in Singapore? We will be eligible for vaccinations on April 15th, so then it's just a matter of finding an open appointment. Approximately 40% of our county's adults have already been vaccinated, though it feels like EVERYONE already got theirs except us.

  2. Wow! What a great remake! Love the retro look!

  3. Lovely mix of embellishments.. and it is always time for a sweet treat!!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.