

The one about the reunion of cousins


So my mum's cousins came over last month for a quick reunion - a little chit chat and catching up over afternoon tea - since they didn't meet up during CNY 2021 because of all the home visitor restrictions that were in place (still currently enforced - 8 guests per household per day) because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These were the cousins mum grew up with so she was really happy to see them. :)

Needless to say, they had to pose for photos with my handmade signages of course. See photo 1 versus photo 2...can you see the difference? *LOL* 

Since it was an all girls' reunion, I decided to play with some sweet pastels.:)



  1. Bigger smiles with your signs! This is a really fun layout. I'm glad the cousins were able to get together. :)

  2. Fabulous layout and great pictures!

  3. Nice photo layout. Funny that you made them pose with the signs. LOL!

  4. A lovely page, how good for your Mum to catch up with special family.. love the second photo!!


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Cheers, Yvonne.