

Workspace Wednesday - do I need a bigger desk?


So the other day my sister came to my room and said immediately," You need a bigger desk." (See photo)

Do I really need a bigger desk? 
Because I'll probably just fill it up with more stuff. *LOL* 

Have I actually accidentally drank paint water? Nope. 
Tip: only drink from cups with handles and don't use a cup with handles as your paint water cup. *winks*

Have I lost stuff on my small desk? Yep.
Is it easy to clean up my desk? Yep.
Is it fast to clear my desk? Yep.
And that's when the "lost" item will turn up. Miraculously when I have "cleverly" substituted the use of that item for something else in my stash. *every scrapbooker can relate...hahaha*

The truth is, I LOVE my small desk. It has nicks and scratches. I've sanded it down and varnished it again. I've eaten my lunch on it. I've painted my nails on it. I've made some of my fave projects utilizing it. And I love my "me" time at my desk. 

So I think I'll stick to my desk. For now. :)

What about you? Do you work on a huge desk? Or a small one like mine?



  1. I like a big desk for crafting (my office desk is much smaller), but if that works for you then there's no need to change!

  2. I can't believe that you do all your wonderful crafting on such a small desk! I have a huge one, but it is so overflowing with 'stuff' that I actually work on a space about the size of yours....hahaha! I guess a small desk would work for me too.

  3. I now have a huge Craft Table and, other than my laptop (for Netflix watching while scrapping) and my actual projects that I'm working on, I'm going to try not to put anything on it... we'll see if that lasts! LOL! And I agree with what Cindy said, "if that works for you..." :)

  4. I love your desk.. it is cute.. and yes if it were bigger it would be messier.. I have our old dining table for my scrapping.. and yes it is big and yes it is messy and if I tidy it I cant find a thing.. so I leave it messy..

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Cheers, Yvonne.