

Make Stuff Monday - a simple decorated letterboard


I've always wanted a letterboard but they were a little on the pricey side and I wasn't sure what size I really wanted.

So when I spotted one at Daiso, I thought it would be an economical way to test-drive a letterboard. Plus the size would actually be great for birthday party shots (yes, this gal is working on new signages *winks*).

I had grandeur plans to paint it and all but when I opened it, I discovered that the frame was plastic. And the smooth type of plastic...which meant that any type of paint will chip and wear off easily. So I decided to go with some lace trim and embellished with pearl bits. :)

What do you think?



  1. The lace is more you than paint would have been. I'm looking forward to seeing this appear in your party photos!

  2. Beautiful.. love the lace.. I am looking forward to seeing your signs up in your photos!!


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Cheers, Yvonne.