

Make Stuff Monday - a quick decorated envelope

Hello friends! Today's Make Stuff Monday is a super quick decorated envelope.:) These are great for slipping a quick note along with a goody bag when you meet a friend. :)

I always try to use the bits from happy mail once I've photographed them to post on social media and thanked the sender. Because I've pretty much stopped buying any scrapbooking supplies, every time I get happy mail is when I get "new" stash to play with! :)

I get especially excited when I can mix in my own stash too. Like on this quick decorated envelope.

What about you? Are you working on your existing stash or still buying the latest scrapbooking supplies?



  1. I mostly work from stash, but when I have to buy adhesive or other staples, I'll usually treat myself to a few new goodies. :)

  2. Cute envelope and the answer to your question is: both! LOL

  3. That is a very attractive envelope. I love how you use your happy mail. Due to the pandemic restrictions, I have been shopping less and discovered that I can really shop in my craft room....I'm such a hoarder!

  4. Cute.. I love how you pop things together and it works!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.