

Make Stuff Monday - a minimalist decorated masculine paper bag


Hello friends! Today's Make Stuff Monday is another attempt at a minimalist design. *winks*

I started off with this Nespresso paper bag which is quite minimalist in design to begin with. I love the cream stripe across the bottom part of the bag and kept it as part of my design.

I went with a neutral patterned paper. Then added part of the old leather belt which I had used in a previous project. I love that the belt looks slightly worn and has some scratches and the belt holes..which add texture to an otherwise simplistic design.

At first I wasn't sure about the washi tape border except I ripped it off too quickly when I was test-driving it and tore the edge of the patterned paper so I just went with it. *LOL* But in my defence, the washiest tape has some black in it so it really matched the bag. ;)

I toyed with the idea of tying a tag from the handle but decided to keep it really minimal and just tied a little bow with a black cord from another paper bag.

So, what do you think? Am I nailing the minimalist aesthetic?



Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.