

The100dayproject2021 - the first 10 drawings

So I've decided to stick with a familiar subject matter in this year's #the100dayproject - working on mixed media eyes. Back in 2019 when I was tackling the same subject matter, I worked on a fixed-size small substrate that would allow me to work on my eye drawings on the go (you know, back in those days when we could travel *nostalgic music plays in the background*). While I completed the 100 drawings, they are all in a stack held together by binder rings. Not sure what to actually do with the stack actually.

This year, I've decided that I won't be limited by size and I will just draw it in any of my existing sketchbooks. 

My challenge to myself is to really play with different colour combos and get stronger in my eyebrow game. Here is 1/100.

Clearly had some eyebrow issues in 2/100. *LOL*

Went with warm tones for 3/100.

Not sure about the brows for 4/100.

An angled eye in green for 5/100.

Blue eyeshadow for 6/100.

Purple eyeshadow for 7/100.

The eyebrows look a little off for 8/100.

Had a little fun with gold glitter on 9/100.

Went with purple glitter for 10/100.

What do you think?



  1. Fantastic! If you're up for a challenge, try blonde eyelashes and brows.

  2. I think all these look amazing.. and if you look at people most eye brows are not perfect.. except for those who can spend a fortune on them!! You are very talented..


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Cheers, Yvonne.