

A page from the recipe planner - Angel food cake


Whenever I have a lot of leftover egg whites, I make an angel food cake. It doesn't contain any fat so it dries out pretty quickly but when it's freshly baked, it's soft and cottony and tastes great with mango puree. Mum likes to dip hers in her soft-boil eggs.

Personally, I like the process of making the cake because I like whipping up egg whites into a meringue. And of course, the tube cake pan gets a bit of love. *winks*

Just saw that I wrote paddle attachment in my recipe when it should be whisk attachment. Dang it. How should I correct the boo boo???

What about you? What do you make with your leftover egg whites?



  1. This looks yum and the page looks lovely.. I dont really have left over egg whites but occasionally when I have I make the little soft biscuits with coconut called macaroons...

  2. Take a scrap paper that looks like writing paper -- cut it to cover the 'paddle' and then write the correct word on there! :) I have done that a MILLION times! HA!!! I loveeeeee this! Looks so YUMMY!! I miss cake so MUCH! :)

  3. I love angel food cake but I've never tried to make it. Yours looks yummy so I may try your recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I haven't made an angel food cake in years. Decades, maybe! I usually add extra whites to whole eggs when I make omelets.


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Cheers, Yvonne.