

My first 2 loaves of sourdough bread!

So it's official...your gal here has joined the "Make your own sourdough bread" club. Meet my first 2 loaves of sourdough bread! :)

I feel a little bad that I don't have a photo of Blossom, my sourdough starter, on this layout. She and I have been through a lot together since 15th June 2020....the day I mixed equal parts of organic wholemeal flour and water in a glass jar. There were good days when she gave me signs of life with lots of bubbles. And there were bad days when she smelled like baby's puke...and looked quite dead. But finally, on day 11, she grew 3x her size and told me, "Let's bake some bread!" *winks*

Of course, the actual baking of the bread was some 18 hours later with the need to make, ferment and rest the dough. And I waited till the 3rd morning to slice into my first loaf. And Blossom did great! Check out the crumb of the bread with those holes! I ate mine toasted with just some salted butter. My sister went for scrambled eggs with hers. :)

I went with lots of washi tape and stickers on this layout. :)

Playing along with Let's Get Sketchy.

Happy weekend friends!



  1. HA!! Loving that you joined the bandwagon!!! This is sooooooooo fun! I love it!!!

  2. Your bread looks good! I've made many kinds of yeast breads but never sourdough. It's good that you make a scrapbook page to record your efforts. I hope to see your future bread baking projects.

  3. YUM! Great job! I'm a huge fan of sourdough. We used to keep sourdough starter in my classroom. (It fit the curriculum because of the importance of sourdough during the CA gold rush, so it wasn't just cause I love bread.)

  4. Very delicious and cute layout! Great take on the sketch! Thanks for playing along with us @LGS

  5. Omgosh, I'm so impressed! Sour dough bread is not easy. You have just so many talents, my friend! Love your new found interest in baking and cooking. You have come so far in such a short time. I'm absolutely terrified of bread... and yeast... haha. Very impressed!
    And I love the design of this layout. The angles and the right justification is super eye catching, unique, and fun!

  6. Pop and cute layout! Thank you for joining us at LGS!

  7. How to use colors is very nice. The photos are also wonderful. Thank you for joining us at LGS!

  8. Love your take on the sketch and well done with the cooking. The papers you have chose are perfect and I love the embellishment. Thanks for joining in with us this month at Let's Get Sketchy.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.