

The one about the accidental vintage card

So I have had this vintage postcard patterned paper for a really long never looked quite right on layouts or any other projects over the years. The other day,  I accidentally stuck something to it and during the removal process, parts of it tore revealing the white underneath...a light bulb went off in my head! I could do a distressed vintage card! Never mind why the thought never occurred to me years ago...*LOL*

And then of course I remembered I had vintage-inspired postal stickers languishing in my stash. Let's use a few of them up....and throw in some vintage-inspired washi tape too.

And distress the edges too. :)

Well my friends, that's the story of the accidental vintage card. :)



  1. That is AWESOME!!! And I have SEVERAL of those papers too! LOL!! And NOW you have given me an idea for them!!!! :) I loveeeeeeeeee this!

  2. Oooh, love it! Happy accidents are the best.

  3. It's a great 'accidental' vintage-look card. It could pass for the real thing in an antique shop...LOL! I hope you'll do more with this distressed postal technique.

  4. That's an awesome accident! It is very cool! :)

  5. There are no accidents in scrapbooking... just a new way of doing things!! This looks great!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.