

Hanging out with my Aussie mate - pages from my travel planner

Whenever I'm in Sydney, I get to meet my Aussie mate Lizzy twice. She would take the train to the city to meet me for tunch (lunch + tea). She usually needs to leave at around 2.30pm because it takes her 90 mins to get back to her suburb plus she still needs to drive home from the train station. And of course she has to get home before 5pm or risk the wrath of her hubby. *winks*

Actually her hubby Tom is the sweetest man. He cooked me lunch. And look, the napkins match the Christmas pressie I gave Lizzy. And Lizzy told me that he took out the good china the night before too. Few people invite me to their homes for a home-cooked meal (I do get treats at restaurants though...) so I'm always grateful. ;)

Anyway, the second time I get to meet Lizzy, I have to travel to her turf by train and she will pick me up at the train station. We would then go Op Shop (thrift stores in Australia) Shopping and do a supermarket run for Aussie goodies (chocolates, Tim Tams, cookies etc etc) before packing my loot in my trusty cabin trolley and saying our bittersweet goodbyes at the train station (all before her 5pm home for dinner curfew..LOL*).

Happy Tuesday friends! :)



  1. Tim Tams are the BEST!!! Loving these pages!! Still so jealous that you both got to meet (TWICE!!!!!) :)

  2. Tim Tams.... yum! And yea for a home-cooked meal. If you ever come to my house (and you're welcome any time), I'm serving s'mores for dessert.

  3. Ohhh that is so sweet! I have met Lizzy too.. she is such a lovely gal to be able to call friend!! love your journal pages too!


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Cheers, Yvonne.