

When these two were happier than me....*winks*

Judging by the happy smiles on these two faces and the birthday cake, one would think that ONE or maybe BOTH of them were celebrating their birthdays, right? was my birthday celebration and they were just happy because there was cake! *LOL*

And the photos with me in them looked terrible so none of them made it to the scrapbook album (Life is too short to live with ugly photos that live forever in your albums..hehe).

Playing along with The Studio Challenges.

P/s: Last birthday layout from 2019! *high fives all around*



  1. Love it! Awesome title work. And I agree with you - I don't want photos in my albums that don't bring me joy.

  2. Love this!!! Loving the photos and that title work!! And I know what you mean too about the bad photos... I have been known to scrap them, but not always share them!! LOL!!!

  3. I'm on board with that title work also; so fun! And awful photos of me in my album? No thank you! Though I will scrap silly photos of me ::wink::

  4. Great take on the sketch. Thanks for joining us at The Studio Challenges.


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Cheers, Yvonne.