

Make Stuff Monday - an upcycled gift box

This was one of those projects that came about when I was trying to clear off the stuff on my desk. Surely, it inflicts us all right? You know, the sudden inspiration for a project comes when you are in the middle of reorganizing/decluttering and you just have to work on it immediately? *LOL*

I started with this cardboard box (in case you were wondering what I is an automated face roller). I love the bright yellow and the fact that there was no obnoxious brand name plastered all over. :)

I went with the only patterned paper lying on my desk- the black and white stripes. Then I found some black and white floral ribbon so I decided to add some texture by pleating and hot-gluing it to the box. For the centerpiece, I cut up an old tag I made previously...and finished off with some birds, a cloud, a sticker quote and went with "hey" because I had some random die-cut letters and that was the only word that made sense. *hehehe*

And here is proof that I really took the random bits off my desk for this project...*hahaha*

I really liked how this turned out. Surely a gift from me should make it "the best day ever" right? *winks*



  1. Absolutely it would make it the BEST.DAY.EVER.!!!!! I loveeeeeeeeee this!!!!!!!

  2. I love how this box turned out and how it was created. I also have clean up days when anything and everything goes on tags, bags or boxes. It's so nice to have a stash of finished items for gift giving. It is also nice to have a clean desk at least for a short while. Isn't it fun and exciting how willy nilly crafting yields some spectacular results?


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Cheers, Yvonne.