

Another CNY layout :)

So I found some more CNY photos in my stash. The photos aren't the greatest but I did a little creative cropping and I think they turned out decent (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!*winks*)

But clearly I was most excited to include the smiling pig on my layout. :)

Lots of small little bits of layering, including the packaging from the T2 tea box.

Quick wefies with nephew #1 at my grandma's. He's reaching the age when he groans when I suggest taking photos so I'll take what I can get. *LOL*

Playing along with Let's Get Sketchy.



  1. Gorgeous layout!! The pictures are beautiful!! That smiling pig makes me smile!! Love it!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Love love love this! LOVING those colors and the pig!!! And try my tactic, when Brookie or Adam try and give me lip about taking a photo, I just remind them that I have all day to stand there and get a good one! HA!! Works every time!!! LOL!!!

  3. So fun and festive! And the smiling pig totally makes the page. :)

  4. Cute, cute, cute! (you know I'm loving that piggy!)

  5. I love the pig too! It makes your page so unique! Thanks for playing with us at LGS!

  6. It's a pop and cute work. The decoration is very cute
    Thanks for playing with us at LGS!

  7. Wonderful layout! Love the bright and happy colors. Thank you for playing along with us at LGS!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.