

Decorating a Fresh gift box

Well friends, sometimes you buy something that already comes in a nice sturdy box. So why not just decorate it right?

I started with this lovely Fresh Glow Power set. Just so you know, I looooooooove Fresh products (not their prices though..) The Vitamin Nectar mask is my fave...I'm on my third jar now. (Nephew #1 loves it too!) And that Soy Face Cleanser smells like refreshing fave cleanser in the a.m after a workout. Anyway, this is a great set to get as a gift because you pay a few dollars less than the price of the mask and get the other three products free. You know how much I enjoy a bargain. Err...yes, I have a backup set... you know, as a gift for some lucky person. Or not. *LOL*

Anyway, I went in with patterned papers on the sides and lid, added vintage trim and pearls along the perimeter of the lid and finished with a floral embellishment cluster. (The see-through window makes it hard to photograph.)

The gift box is bright orange so I went in with patterned paper with a little orange and chose coordinating embellishments for a unified look.

I think it turned out quite pretty. :)

Happy week ahead friends!



  1. It looks absolutely gorgeous!! You decorated it so beautifully!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Loveeeeeeeee this! LOVING the flowers!!!!!!

  3. It is very pretty! Do you sometimes buy products because they are good AND come in a great box? Sometimes if it's not expensive, I buy the product for the box and don't eat or use the inside...hahaha!


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Cheers, Yvonne.