

A page from my recipe planner...:)

What do you do when you have lots of food photos and planners? Well. you start compiling a recipe planner of course! *winks*

Since I rarely have a chance to take nice food photos before my family "attacks" the food, some of these recipe photos are going to include a family member posing with the food. Like nephew #1 here with the roast chicken.

This is a great way to compile your recipes and use up your scrapbooking bits too!

And practise your handwriting too! :)



  1. Love this!! What a fabulous idea!! Both sides are beautiful!! I so want to do this!! Thanks for the inspiration, my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Sooooooo clever!!! I love love love this and loving that you include the photos!!! That is genius!!!!

  3. A great idea that looks good too..

  4. Oh, I love the idea of a recipe planner! I truly need to record my cooking experiments. Your planner looks super!


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Cheers, Yvonne.