

Things that most crafters can relate to...*winks*

The bench/chair in your room is more a storage bench than an actual sitting bench/chair. Because you "respect" your stuff and they shouldn't be dumped on the floor, right?  *winks*

You can never have too much pretty/glittery stuff. Especially if they are on sale! ;)

You can make flowers out of (almost) anything...even pandan leaves!

You secretly want to own the pen display at stationery store because it's so pretty!

You make your bestie take a gazillion food photos so that you may have at least ONE nice photo before the actual eating commences.

You take numerous photos of faux floral displays because they are so pretty!

You can't wait for the family to finish eating the cookies in the tin so that you can make something pretty with the tin!

You find ways to reuse your CNY/occasion decorations like fussy-cutting them and incorporating them on your layouts.

Cute elements on packaging must always be fussy-cut so that they can be incorporated in future projects. 

You seem to find bargains everywhere. Even the small stationery aisle at the supermarket is not "safe" from you.

Normal people buy earrings to buy earrings in anticipation that they will become future embellishments on your projects. :)

Are these things most crafters can relate to???? *LOL*



  1. HA!!!!!!!!!! You know I can relate -- as I proved with my last Mickey post!!! LOL!!!!!!

  2. Oh my! You must be my craft twin because I understand everything you just posted.

  3. Totally relate!! Well, all except the photos of the food...I don't have the discipline to wait when something that yummy is in front of me!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. I can so relate to the earrings part. I have this addiction to go to Popular Bookstore or DIY shop on regular basis to find bargain steal..

  5. I MIGHT be secretly smiling at these, I have bought earrings that were extra cheap so I could use them on a layout.. and yes some boxes and tins are just toooo pretty to throw out, they simply must be up cycled!!! hehe..

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Cheers, Yvonne.