

The one about the blue doughnut

So back in December we had an unexpected treat from my brother (who rarely buys us anything) - Christmas-themed Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! :)

Dad had first dibs on which one he wanted and he went for the blue one.

Of course, the blue food colouring stained his tongue...

And dad lodged a formal "complaint". *LOL*

Can't believe how far dad has come in photo guys remember how awkward his smiles used to be???. Now he lives for the camera and is happy to help me document important moments like this. *winks*

Playing along with The Paper Girls Challenge. :)



  1. Oh how good are those photos!! haha.. so very funny! I love this happy page of eating the blue donut!!

  2. I love your Dad!! He is AWESOME!!!! This is hilarious! LOVING the photos, the pink glasses and all the fun this page has!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh my gosh, I love it!! Your' Dad's so fun!! I love that he "lodged a formal complaint"!! Haha!! This is spectacular!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Omgosh, those photos are epic! Your dad is cracking me up! And I love this layout! Fabulous photo arrangment, and I love the extra embellishments pointing out the photos. The omg on the donuts just makes me laugh!

  5. Hilarious layout! Your Dad's face says it all. Your family members are so cooperative to go along with the photo stories. Give them hugs from Hawaii!


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Cheers, Yvonne.