

6 Ideas for gifting a little love...Valentine's Day 2019 edition

With Valentine's Day in just a few days, I thought I would round up a few quick and easy projects to help you spread a little love to family and friends. :)

A little love for my sister
A little love for my sister
1. Upcycled brown paper bag.

This can be quickly put-together with some cute paper and fabric scraps, twine and button. 

Come join me for afternoon tea
2. Upcycled box and brown paper packaging.

If you have a little more time on your side, why not go a little more elaborate? Upcycle a clear box to house a package wrapped in brown paper packaging.

A card for the Fall Coffee Lovers Blog Hop
3. A card to go with a beverage.

Sometimes, you don't need a huge gesture to show someone that you are thinking of them. Buy them a thoughtful beverage and add a card to tell them that they are in your thoughts. :)

An altered box project for Maya Road

4.  A decorated gift box.

A decorated gift box always makes the gift extra special. Because the box is an extra gift. :)

Quick projects from paper scraps
Tips and tricks for altering stuff

5. Go for a tag.

A simple tag that conveys your sentiment. That the recipient can use as a bookmark or re-gift with a pressie.

6. A decorated paper bag.

Always useful to have a few of these around. Super practical. Portable and useful. Try something cute.Or something sweet. 

There you have it. 6 ideas for gifting a little love this Valentine's Day.
What are your fave ways for gifting a little love?

Happy week ahead friends! :)



  1. Love love love love these!!!!!! You always rock the bags!!!!

  2. Great ideas! I like to hide a tiny gift in an unexpected place, like in the junk drawer. It's fun to see how long it takes before they stumble on it.

  3. Gorgeous projects and all are so creative!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts


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Cheers, Yvonne.