

New additions - September 2018 edition

So last month, I had a huge toiletries haul when I was in Bangkok. Not only were the Soap & Glory products at a fraction of the cost in Singapore, they were also on sale - 1 for 1! Needless to say, I went overboard in my usual fashion. I so wanted to buy more but they were so heavy! *LOL*

Of course, I had to buy some cute stuff too, right? Check out my new furry pens! :)

I also got two new books from Book Depository. Guess you will be seeing some fashion illustration and botanical drawings coming up from me soon. Hopefully. *winks*

Last but not least, I picked up some new art supplies from the art supply store.

What about you? Have you added to your stash lately?



  1. What a haul!!! LOVING those pens!! And nope ... I am still holding myself to de-stashing!! LOL!!!

  2. Oh, MAN, what a haul!! How fun, Yvonne! I am totally grinning over those adorable furry pens. And looking forward to seeing what you do with your new art supplies. I recently bought a set of Faber Castell watercolor pencils.... a total splurge, but I am so looking forward to working with them.

  3. Love the bunny!! And I'm looking forward to seeing what art those two books inspire. To answer your question, nothing new in my stash. I've been going through my old teacher stuff to give to a friend and it's taking forever, so the last thing I need is more stuff in the way of my piles of stuff!

  4. Thanks for showing your purchases. I guess I'm not the only one who like cosmetics especially if they are on sale! Your art supplies are going to be turned into some fabulous art work. Hope to see it soon!

  5. I am looking forward to your botanical illustrations Yvonne !!

  6. ooohhh...looks like you had some fun shopping!

  7. Wow, what fun shopping!! I love those pens!! The unicorn is so sweet!! I just added a complete set of Spectrum Noir pens to my stash - and I have no idea how to color!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.