

7 ways to use buttons on your projects

You know I LOVE using buttons on my projects. They are a great embellishment to use for adding that little bit of texture, dimension and a pop of colour to your projects without being obnoxiously in-your-face. *winks* Plus you can never run out of buttons. Ever. Just the other day, the bestie passed me some recycled buttons.

"Where did you get them?"
"From my old shirts. Took out the buttons for you and gave the shirts to the Salvation Army. Still totally wearable. "

Good intention, bad execution? Picture the folks at the Salvation Army stitching some buttons on those shirts. *LOL*

Anyway, I digressed. Here are some fun ways to use buttons on your projects.

Wood pallet for Maya Road CHA2017
1. To add a decorative element to an embellishment cluster.

Here I used a crystal flower button and an embellished wood button to add a little more texture and interest to my embellishment cluster.

Decorated paper bag for Maya Road
2. As the centre of a bloom.

Don't like the centre of a pre-made bloom? Switch it up to a button that coordinates with the theme of your project.

Every picture tells a story...or does it?
3. As the lens of a camera.

This is a quick way to add a little dimension and interest to your paper camera element.

Wet and wild in the tub
4. To triangulate your focal point.

The pink buttons help guide the eye to the focal point - the photos!

The appeal of mixed media
5.  As a base element for mixed media application.

Here I used applied lots of gesso and coloured paints to the silver buttons on my mixed media canvas.

Repurposing happy mail packaging

6. To anchor twine/thread/ribbon.

This is one of my fave ways to use buttons. Such an easy way to use up little bits of twine that you may have lying around...just twine them up and anchor with a button - instant way to jazz up a card!

This week's fun card from the scrap pile
7. Create a banner.

Use a mix of colourful buttons to create a fun banner on a card.

There you have it. 7 ways to use buttons on your projects. Do you like using buttons on your projects?



  1. I have a MILLION of them, and I honestly ALWAYS forget to use them!!! LOL!!!!

  2. Great ideas! I like using buttons on kids crafts, but not on layouts (I'm anti-lump in albums). Hilarious that your friend removed all the buttons from her old shirts. She knows you well!

  3. Haha - what a friend to remove the buttons just for you!! These are all so amazing!! I have jars of buttons and never think to use them. You showcase them perfectly!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Very creative use of buttons....they really enhance your projects.

  5. Cuteness! You always have such awesome ideas, Yvonne, and your projects make me smile every time! LOVE buttons! I have jars and bags full of them, and no..... I will never be able to use them up in a lifetime. But that's totally okay with me. ;)

  6. Lovely projects..Nice ideas...


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Cheers, Yvonne.