

Prawn Noodles at Beach Road


So the other day, my dad came to town and asked me out for lunch. We took a long walk (okay, it wasn't that far (15 mins) but noon in Singapore at 34 degrees celsius (93F) in 4 inch heels is no joke. (Note to self: stick to nearby places next time. *winks*)

Now my dad really loves eating "famous" local cuisine at coffeeshops/hawker centres/food courts. 

Look how happy he is with his bowl of prawn noodles! (And check out the random guy in the background who is obviously enjoying it as well...*LOL*)

Happy week ahead friends! :)



  1. Your Dad's food looks yummy. You are lucky he is in good health to go walking and eating exotic-looking food. The layout looks festive.

  2. My eyes immediately went to the guy behind your Dad with his mouth hanging open!! LOL!!! I loveeeeeeeeee this! LOVING the colors!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Awww, great story and great layout, Yvonne! I love that your dad stopped by and asked you out to lunch... what an absolute treat that is. He does look quite happy, and I am snickering over the guy in the background. LOVE your photo arrangement here. So fun to add the silhouette cut photo at the end of the row, and I adore how your embellies create a sunny scene for your walk!

  4. What a fun layout!! Your Dad looks so adorable enjoying his bowl of prawn noodles!! And haha, the guy in the background :) As always, your details and design are amazing!! Beautiful, my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. LOVE the photo-bomber! LOL. Great page! What did you eat?


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.