

The coloured pencil girl from my sketchbook


I think I must have not coloured a lot with coloured pencils as a kid because I am clearly obsessed with them now to make up for lost time! *winks* They are possibly the most portable and least messy art supplies to carry around. Trust me. *says the person who has spilled paint on the plane* hehe..

The major drawback to coloured pencils is that it takes a really long time to render a drawing entirely out of coloured pencils. Which is always the case for art supplies that you have the most control over. 
1. The start of a face that took an hour. 
2. A little more progress made on a two-hour flight.
3. Colouring in her hair at breakfast. (The apple danish was really yummy!)
4. Adding finishing touches at lunch. (Who can say "no" to black forest cake?)

There you have it. The coloured pencil girl from my sketchbook.

What about you? Which art supply were you "deprived" of as a child that you are now obsessed with as an adult??? *lol*



  1. I could not scroll past this post on my dashboard had to check it at once !She is beautiful..i could see her soft skin , lovely cheekbones and her lips curled !! To do all this with just pencils is AMAZING Yvonne !I was waiting for you to share a complete face (pencil colored) since you started sharing the eyes ..I loved it to the bits really!
    I had pencil colours, watercolours (mine)and ample crayons passed from my brother but never tried wax crayons much till now ;)

  2. Gosh, your drawing is fantastic! That is a talent that I am completely lacking in. Cannot draw to save my life, and have no coloring skills, either. Can't even imagine being able to blend and detail like this with colored pencils. You are amazing!

  3. Oh my gosh, this is spectacular!! Wow!! I am truly in awe!! I have a whole set of Prismacolor pencils and I can't even draw a decent stick figure :) Love, love this!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Beautiful job! I'm fascinated by the fact that you completed the left half of her face before even roughing in her right half. Is that your usual process?

  5. This is BEAUTIFUL! Wonderful coloring with the pencils! And I have to agree with you about colored pencils...I may not be as good as you but I'm in love with them. I didn't have them much as a kid, either. ;)


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.