

Another quick decorated box


It is always nice to shop your stash at home and rediscover old faves that you have been hoarding for a really long time. This year, my motto is "Use it or lose it!" so you'd be seeing some of my treasured (aka hoarded) supplies come into play. *winks*

I realized that the patterned papers I tend to hoard are those with big, bold colourful designs which are a pity to cover up with photos and embellishments on scrapbook layouts so I'll be using them for decorated boxes and paper bags. :)

I started off with this sturdy Colourpop box with a magnetic enclosure and a mirror inside (a Black Friday score that arrived after Christmas...shipping from the US takes a long time!). I cut the patterned paper to size, ran the pieces through my trusty Xyron Creative Station (I have not been on the Xyron Creative Team for 3 years and I'm still working on the stash they sent me back then! I think I'll be good for another year or so...hehe) and adhered them to the box.

I added some pearl and lace trim along the edges then finished with some ribbon blooms I got from a fabric store in Manila 2 years ago. The sides of the box were white so I glued some black cardstock to create a more cohesive look .

What about you? Have you been using up your stash?

P/s: Initially, I thought I might consider getting on more design teams this year since I've been making a conscious effort to use up my stash in the last 2 years. But it may not happen because I've hardly made a dent in my stash!



  1. You now I am on this mission and it is working for me! :) I made a lo yesterday and I used some KRAFT MME papers ... ummmmmmmm I can't even tell you how old those are! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeee this! LOVING those flowers!!!!!!!!!!

  2. They look beautiful, the boxes!
    I have bunch of lovely double sided pps I like them so much that I don't dare cut them ;)
    My stash is pretty limited and I can happily say I am putting most of it to use and not buying any new stuff :)

  3. So gorgeous!! I love the paper you used and the beautiful flowers!! I need to use up stash, but I seem to buy more instead!! Bad me!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Oh, this box is stunning, Yvonne! Love the colors, and that paper looks amazing. What a great tip for using the papers with the big prints that you don't want to cover up on your boxes and bags! Those flowers are amazing, too. So rich and lux!

  5. It looks fantastic! I haven't been on a DT in ages (4 or 5 years) and I still have stuff I'm using up. It's a nice problem to have. ;)

  6. The bold color is outstanding! The decorated box really is such a good gift that you could give it empty.

  7. Love the way you made the box so pretty! The PP is so fabulous and you fully justified with minimal embellishments.

  8. I completely agree with you. There are so many things which are literally waste for others but a treasure for people with creative mind... I can relate with you as I too am a big hoarder of things from past.;-) Despite getting scolded by elders for storing away those stuffs I continue to do it even now. And the most funny thing about my people is that now they have got so much used to my this habit of hoarding up that before throwing away anything they ask me once whether I need it... ;-D

  9. wow amazing and totally agree with you on using scraps ! I dont want to looka my collection :P


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Cheers, Yvonne.