

The one about the birthday and lanterns...


So last Saturday we had an early celebration for nephew #2's birthday and the mid-autumn festival (lanterns and mooncakes).

This time I tried to be less ambitious so that we can actually have afternoon tea (had a major fail back in July for my mum's birthday..*winks*).

I did a coconut and earl grey panna cotta the night before, started on the dark chocolate fudge cake with cream cheese frosting first thing in the morning and baked a white chocolate and cranberry blondie right after we had afternoon tea *drumroll" at 3.30pm! Yay!

But I had help of course. You know child labour is the best kind of labour right? *LOL*

The two older nephews were in charge of blowing up the balloons. Yes, apparently I only had pink metallic ones in my stash. Nephew #2 said it was okay with him so we just went ahead with them. The niece was of course, super excited since pink is her fave colour....hehe.

After dinner, we went for a walk around the neighbourhood with our lighted lanterns.

Now, I always got the Gangster Gang battery-operated lanterns when they were younger because they were a lot less hazardous (you know lighted candles with paper lanterns...haha). But this year, I got them the traditional ones made with wood and cellophane paper.

I didn't expect nephew #3 and the niece to be terrified about the prospect of carrying those lighted candles though...

My niece called it the "scariest day of my life!" which was kind of funny since she is only 6!

But once they ascertained that they were not going to get burned to death, they really enjoyed the stroll along the neighbourhood. :)

Lots of fun fitting in my paper scraps on this layout. I even brought out my circle punch to play! 

Playing along with Stuck?! Sketches.



  1. I hope that is her only scary day!! :) I loveeeeeeeeeee this! LOVING the photos, the colors and the little kids on the page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This is lovely love the colours and how you have put it all together

    1. Great take on the sketch, love our large title! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  3. Such a cheerful and colorful layout! I love the embellies with the children images. Thank you for playing with Stuck?! Sketches.

  4. you guys have the best holidays and TEA even, rock star lucky ducks...LOVE this page, was super excited to read about the laterns...

  5. Wow thanks for sharing all about this fun day! I love the bright colors and the photos look amazing.. and thanks for joining in with Stuck?! Sketches too!

  6. I love your stories, and LOVE your pages! The big colorful stripes capture my heart, and I love the photo arrangement here! The triangle of photos and embellies perfectly splits up the events of the day, and draws your eye all around. Beautiful!

  7. Absolutely love this layout! The bright colourful background works so well with the happy photos! Thanks for joining us at Stuck Sketches! <3

  8. Such a fun layout!!! I love the bright colors and layering! Using up scraps is so exhilarating isn't it? Lol Great job with the sketch!

  9. Trevor (age 11) is still nervous holding a lighted candle in church on Christmas Eve! I guess it's good to know we're not related to pyromaniacs, right? ;)

  10. Beautiful! I love all the details on your page. Thanks for joining us it stuck sketches


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Cheers, Yvonne.