

A charming textured card


Don't you LOVE it when a project you've envisioned in your mind actually turned out way easier than expected? *winks*

Meet my charming textured card which took less than 30 minutes. :)

My initial idea was to apply white light modeling paste on the watercolour card base with a stencil and then do a little misting. But I was out of the light modeling paste so I went with Liquitex ceramic stucco instead. Even though I had planned to go over the textured design with white gesso, I kind of liked the raw, gray look of the ceramic I just went with it!

While the paste was drying, I pulled out my Maya Road embellishments to create my cluster...then took out my trusty hot glue gun to put them all together.

Not too shabby for 30 minutes eh?

If you are interested in these fabulous Maya Road charms, head over to the Maya Road shop for 30% off all charms this month. Just key in the code CHARMED at checkout.



  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I loveeeeeeeee this! LOVING that texture you created and loving the diamond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow..Its indeed very charming ,the texture looks interesting and beautifully paired with soft felt !

  3. It looks great! Love the look of the texture.

  4. Wow, this is amazing!! I love the stencil you used and the texture!! Stunning!! The embellies you added are perfect!! Gorgeous, my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Ohh, I love this, Yvonne! The texture paste stenciling is stunning! Love the grey tone to it. And fabulous embellished cluster to top it all off!


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Cheers, Yvonne.