

Hello sunshine...card for 2017 Summer Coffee Lovers Blog Hop


So I visited an organic coffee farm when I was in Bali two weeks ago. 

It was an interesting experience for a new coffee drinker like me - learning about harvesting the coffee beans, processing, drying and roasting. 

Of course, Indonesia is most famous for Kopi Luwak - coffee that includes partly digested coffee cherries eaten and defecated by the Asian Palm Civet. I saw some of the civets in cages and they looked so sad. Apparently, with the popularity of Kopi Luwak, wild civets are greatly hunted and housed in small cages. Really cruel.

So I'll be sticking to my regular animal cruelty-free coffee.

 Joining in the fun with the 2017 Summer Coffee Lovers Blog Hop.



  1. Love the distressed edges, and the fun and bright summery colours on your card! Great that you choose for crualty-free!

  2. Loveeeeeeeeee this! LOVING the rainbow colors and the BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!! *wink* :)

  3. Yay for picking up coffee drinking :)
    This card is so perfect, love that fabulous inky background.

  4. LOVE this, Yvonne! Beautiful!

  5. You said partly digested ..!! Tea is Best..for me :) Your card is cheerful !

  6. Absolutely stunning, my friend!! The colors are fabulous!! The little birdie is a perfect touch!! Oh my gosh, I've never heard of Kopi Luwak...cruelty-free is definitely the way to go!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  7. Very cute card. I'm not a coffee drinker, but if I were, I'd be cruelty-free for sure. Not to mention that I'm not keen on partially digested stuff as food as a general rule.

  8. OK, I love coffee and I love birdies. Yay to that adorable birdie. Cute card! And I'll stick to my regular coffee, too. That's a sad story.

  9. Super card Yvonne, lovely and colourful

  10. Wonderful card with all those summery colors.

  11. Beautiful! Love all of the layers and elements on this!

  12. This is adorable, Yvonne! Love the bird and the rainbow stripes on here, and your misted background is awesome, too! The story about the civets makes me really sad, though. I'm not familiar with that coffee, but I will be avoiding it, for sure.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.