

This week's 15 minute card


This year I'm making an effort to send out more surprise cards to my bloggy friends. You never know when someone needs a little cheering up....especially since only the highlights of our lives are shared on social media. 

This card was put together in 15 minutes because my scrap pile consists of many already-cut elements and I pretty much just have to decide on a colour scheme.

I also wanted to play along with the 2017 Spring Coffee Lovers Bloghop. It's a great way to use up my coffee-related embellishments like this wood token from Maya Road. :)

I had a little glue "accident" when adhering the thread but I added some Ranger distress stickles in rock candy to cover it up. Glitter can hide all mistakes. *winks*

Happy weekend friends! :)



  1. Hi, Yvonne!

    I love the wooden coffee token. It's a fabulous touch.

    Have a blessed week,
    Karen Letchworth

    P.S. For another FUN challenge, I'd love to have you join us at Word Art Wednesday. Always Anything Goes and lots of great prizes, too. Come, play along with us!

  2. Cutie-pie, love all the elements and wooden plaque!

  3. oh this is so sweet! I love the little birdie!! and 15 minutes ay?? I should try that!!

  4. Love love love loveeeeeeee this! LOVING that wood embellie and the camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Oh... Really sweet!!! Embellishments are adorable!!!

  6. YAY!!!!!!!! I was just thinking about YOU.
    Love this pretty card with all the fun elements.

  7. Simply beautiful, Yvonne! Love it!

  8. Yikes, takes me days to just think about a card. 15 minutes?! You're a PRO! lol
    This is just stunning to me.

  9. So sweet and beautiful!! Love the colors and that adorable bird!! Fab, as always, my friend!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  10. 15 minutes? Well you have come up with another lovely card! I think you must have known what you wanted to do before starting? I am in awe! It takes me more than that to just get my crafty stuff out! Haha. Happy weekend to you. Judy x

  11. Such an adorable card! I love the colors and that little bird makes me smile. Great recovery on your gluing accident, too. I love the touch of glitter! :D

  12. Such a cute image and a lovely card design.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.