

A day out with grandma....:)


So last week I got to spend a day out with my grandma and parents. We had a quick lunch at the airport [I had to pass stuff to an aunt who was headed to Hong Kong...more on that in a later post]...and then it was shopping time. :)

Now my grandma really loves shopping. Some years back, I brought her to South Korea and every day, she would ask the tour guide if there was shopping on that day's itinerary. When it was just sightseeing, she would be so disappointed. *LOL*

Anyway, I noticed that my grandma was walking very slowly and her slippers weren't supporting her feet. She said it was because her knees were weak. I wanted her to be comfortable so we went shopping for a new pair of shoes. But the woman was fussy. It had to have adjustable straps in the front and be black. We tried on soooooooo many pairs of shoes! 

But the pair we found was so comfortable that she wanted to wear them immediately. And guess what? She walked much faster in her new shoes...turns out that her footwear made it difficult for her to walk! *LOL*

It was also lovely to see my dad holding his mum's hand...:)

Playing along with Stuck?! Sketches



  1. What a great layout! Your grandma is sooo sweet!

  2. What a beautiful layout!! Your grandma is adorable!! What sweet pictures!! Love this my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. I love the story behind this beautiful layout! The photos are lovely as are the vibrant colors. I like the sanded areas, too. Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  4. Now this, to me, is what scrapping is about. Brilliant story. Gorgeous photos and a fun, vibrant page that supports these 2 things. LOVE IT. New fave.... :)!!!

  5. Oh so glad to hear the shoes helped a lot with your Grandma.. love the black back ground and the yellow star, it makes the layout pop.. great photos too of your special day out!

  6. A great take on the sketch and a truly heartwarming story. Thanks for playing along at Stuck?! Sketches.

  7. Awwwwww I want your Grandma!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeee this! LOVING that big star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Awww, I love your story! How sweet! And your layout is gorgeous! The layering is amazing! Love the embossing with the bits of distressing, and love that bird star! Such fun embellies, too!

  9. What a wonderful page! I love the photos you captured, especially of your dad holding his mom's hand. What a treasure. I lost my last grandparent six weeks before my wedding and I still think of them every day.

  10. You are such a rock star to get those new shoes! And that black sanded paper is an awesome background to some cool photos! LOVE IT!

  11. Love the colors on this layout! Thanks for playing along with us at Stuck?! Sketches.

  12. Such a sweet grandma and lovely layout!Thanks for joining us at Stuck?!Sketches:)

  13. Such a great page, love the textured background and the way the bold yellow pops off of it! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  14. Fantastic page Yvonne. Love the bold star on that dark background. WTG!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.