

So I finally made some Christmas cards!

So I finally made Christmas cards

Oh I finally made some Christmas cards! [Yay! Go me! *high fives all around*] Now at least 2 people are getting handmade Christmas cards! :)

It was one of those diecutting days - you know, the few times a year my Cuttlebug gets out of cold storage and has to work overtime for me. *winks* 

I broke into my Lawn Fawn Perfectly Plaid Christmas pad...kept things simple and postal friendly. :)

Hope you are having a great week...(I am still trying to recover from the Black Friday sale...I spent $$$ on skincare! Prevention is better than cure when it comes to wrinkles...*LOL*)



  1. Oh wow, these are absolutely amazing!! I love how you used the positive and negative of the die cuts!! The papers are so beautiful!! Love them my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Ohhhhhhhhh these are gorgeous! I am LOVING the colors and the deer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Very nice! Christmas cards are the only ones I don't make myself. We go the photo card route, since all the relatives like seeing how Trevor is growing.

  4. Love these - such great papers! TFS

  5. Yay, go you! Loving the deer on here and the plaid, too! Adorable!

  6. Beaut idea using the die cut and the other bit as well. Works a treat! Good on you getting onto those Christmas cards....will you hit me if I say mine are posted? Just as well you're away away in Singapore, LOL!!!


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Cheers, Yvonne.