

Guess whose birthday it was....


A couple of Sundays ago, we paid a surprise visit to my brother's with a birthday cheesecake for a member of the Gangster Gang. Can you guess whose birthday it was? 

Could it be niece S's birthday? Or nephew #1's birthday? *winks*

Yeah, the shy birthday boy did not want to pose for fact the rest of the Gangster Gang were far more excited about blowing out the candles and cutting the cake than he was! *LOL*

It was the first time I made a topping for a cake so I was crossing my fingers that my mango gelatin layer stayed intact since I made up my own recipe [less sugar, fewer calories]. On hindsight, I should have gone with a no-bake cheesecake. Oh well, the verdict from The Gangster Gang was that it was "super delicious". :)

Playing along with Stuck?! Sketches.



  1. You are a great aunt....can you be mine? The cake looks yummy and the photo layout has captured memories even the birthday boy will appreciate when he is older. Thanks for sharing your family.

  2. This is so amazing. Your cheesecake looks so delicious. Belated birthday wishes to your nephew :)

  3. Its looks Yumm Yvonne ! fun page with lots of fussy cutting ,loved the use of little frames to highlight the Birthday boy !

    My cakes are even more healthy ,chewing exercise ;)

  4. Love the look of your cheesecake, glad it stayed together for you [& them!]...this is a new fave LO! I think it's the sort of 'file' bit in the middle, with lots of journaling and all those little embellies ..... for me, it's the perfect story telling page!!!

  5. I'm with Lynn ... even though I am WAY older than you, can you be my Aunt too?!?!? ;) I loveeeeeeeeeee this! So funny he wouldn't pose! LOVING how you framed his 'grumpy' look! LOL!!!!!!!

  6. Goodness, he sure has turned shy, hasn't he? Happy birthday to nephew #1, and congrats on rocking that fabulous cheesecake, my friend! Mango? Oh, I would have been all over that!
    LOVE your layout! Such a fun photo arrangement and I love that celebration tracker layer with all the details written in. Awesome stitching and misted background, and as always, seriously love all the little bits and pieces you put together!

  7. This is so adorable!! The Gangster Gang are so darn cute!! I love the photos!! As always, you add the perfect details!! I love the stitching!! This is gorgeous my friend!! And mango cheesecake with less calories - yes, please!! Yum!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. Great page, so many incredible details! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  9. Yum! Lucky the birthday boy has such helpful siblings who are happy to blow out his candles. :)

  10. Awesome layout. Love how you adapted it to suit your story. Thanks for playing along!

  11. LOVE THIS PAGE!!! You have such a cool style! This layout made me want to get scrapping RIGHT THIS MINUTE which is always a sign of awesomeness! HUGS!

  12. Fabulous LO! Lovely layout and so much fun!

  13. Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches! with this fun and vibrant page. Love your interpretation of the sketch.

  14. Love your take on the sketch! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  15. Wow what a story your layout tells, I love this. It's a great interpretation of the sketch. Thanks for joining us at Stuck?!Sketches


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.