

Let's make pancakes today!


It is nice to have some help around the house...especially when you are making chocolate chip pancakes! *winks*

Nephew #2 was very serious about measuring the ingredients. Even the niece got in on the action by sifting the flour while nephew #3 was busy playing on the stairs. *LOL*

Still working hard on dwindling the scrap pile [I see a dim light at the end of the long]...

Have you noticed that I like to use buttons? I have tons of them because for some strange reason, people love to give me buttons. [I hoard all the pretty vintage ones!] :)

Playing along with Stuck?! Sketches.



  1. You baked with (technically) THREE KIDS??!!!!! Hero;) loving that bg paper & the sweet words work a treat!!!!!

  2. ^^^ agree with Lizzy ... Hero for sure!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee this! So fun and whimsical! LOVING that twine too!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow, such an awesome LO, Yvonne. Love how you involve your niece & nephews in your baking experiments. You certainly have a lot of patience :) Love the way you have used the scrap pattern papers on your page.

  4. First thing I noticed was PP ,the bg one looks perfect and ones around photos tooo ) I agree with lizzy ..baking with three kids not an easy job ;) !!

  5. on a second thought ,you made those cute little kids work for treats ;) Not fair !

  6. What a fabulous layout!! I love all of the design elements!! The pictures are so sweet!! And yummy - chocolate chip pancakes!! I want some!! Love this my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  7. Adorable page. Love all the details. Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  8. Omgosh, this is so cute, Yvonne! Adorable photos and such a fantastic layout design! Love the photo arrangement, and I love all the little details. The girl and bear totally make me smile. And I have a serious addiction for buttons, so I love that you use them! <3

  9. So cute!! Love all the layers, all the details and that spoon!!!
    Thank you for joining us Stuck?! Sketches!

  10. Adorable! My favorite part is the way you did the title.

  11. LOVE this page! The layering is SO awesome!! Thanks for playing along with us over at Stuck?! Sketches!!

  12. Beautiful Yvonne, love this collection of elements! Thank you for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  13. Very cool page!! Love the different elements you have used. Thanks for playing along with Stuck?!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.