

Embracing the cute stuff....


One of the reasons why it took me so long to get in on the planner craze was because I love the cute stuff....but can't imagine using it in public. [The cutesy stuff doesn't exactly lend itself to adult credibility...] *LOL*

Now that I've decided to use it at home as a journal, I can truly start embracing the cute stuff! Yay! *high fives all around*

And add my mixed media spin on it too. :)



  1. I love this! Thank you for sharing! (that's the downside of adulthood) ;) (that and bills) lol

  2. Absolutely stunning!! The face is amazing!! I love all of the cute stuff!! What a fun planner!! This is awesome my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. This is awesome, Yvonne!! I'm all about the cutesy stuff, too! And I will agree about not showcasing it off in public...Buuut, I do have a little Hello Kitty compact mirror in my purse. lol ;)

  4. wow this is amazing.. you are so creative.. I love it

  5. How fun! Embrace the cute! Are you keeping the dimensional stuff only on the sides or putting them on pages?


  6. Who says us big girls cant use the cute stuff??? I love it too! and look how fabulous your page is with it.. it makes me smile too!

  7. Love love love this! LOVING the head piece you added to the girl!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Rock star! Really love that little bit of shamrocky lace you added on top of that girl! Awesome! Adulting...that is what they call it here...

  9. Your art girls are always so, so stunning, Yvonne! And I adore the little touches that you add to them. The trim along the top is super cool, and makes a fabulous headband. Your planner is so super fun! It's nice to be able to 'play' with the cute stuff every once in awhile!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.