

A piece of remnant fabric makes a great gift-wrap! (a quick tutorial)


Sometimes the best kind of gift-wraps are those you already have in your remnant fabric. I have loads of weirdly-sized fabrics [courtesy of my mum's friends] which are not large enough to make a piece of clothing but big enough to wrap around a box...bento-box style. *winks*

I wasn't sure what to do with this piece of fabric. First off, the mustard colour was really bright. Secondly, it was soooooo crumpled and in serious need of an ironing. If you didn't already know, ironing is my most hated household entire wardrobe is built on clothes that require no ironing. Evidently, I had to find a "no-iron" solution to using this piece of fabric. *LOL*

The solution was to work in some folds and a huge knot at the top. And hide the ugly parts with ribbon and a hot glue gun.

Next I added some pearls.

And finished off with paper blooms, leaves and a glittered butterfly.

A piece of remnant fabric makes a great gift-wrap eh?



  1. Wow, the wrapping is a gift itself!! This is stunning!! You decorated it perfectly!! Gorgeous my friend!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Its Stylish n chic !!

    How does one unwrap it ?;)

  3. Gorgeous! I've wrapped gifts with baby blankets for baby showers or napkins and dish towels off someone's wedding registry, but always with the intention that the wrap is part of the gift. It would be a lot more fun to get in there with a glue gun and go to town!

  4. I think this is totally fabulous.. what an awesome idea..

  5. Looks really great. I'm not a fan of mustard as a colour, but you worked it GOOOOD!!! NOw, what I'd like to see, is the OPENING of said present!!!

  6. PS: With you on the ironing. High five!!!

  7. What a great idea!!! I loveeeeeeee this!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Great tutorial! I love the fabric wrap...gorgeous! I agree with you about ironing...we must be sisters in style...wrinkled! LOL!

  9. WOW, Yvonne! It sure does! I love the finished product and want to thank you for sharing your wonderful tutorial with all of us!

  10. This is so innovative! need to try it soon, love the colour you choose and the embellishments

  11. Oh wow - you are sooo clever! This is fabulous!

  12. Wow, this is SO stunning, Yvonne! What a great way to use some remnant fabric! I absolutely LOVE that color, and LOVE the added trims, pearls, and flowers you added. This looks like the most expensive, luxurious gift wrap in the whole world!


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Cheers, Yvonne.