

Every picture tells a story....or does it? *winks*


Does every picture tell a story? Maybe...

Picture #1: 
Dad - photo-ready, wondering when this photo-taking of food would be over....
Mum - arranging the cups and plates so that they are photo-ready [yep, she is "well- trained"!].

Picture #2:
Mum and dad - posing with the breakfast spread.

What you didn't see was that dad actually took a bite from one of the sandwiches but had to put it back on the plate for proper photo-taking! *LOL*

Yep...I was chuckling as I was working on this layout. 

Playing along with the Stuck?!Sketches.



  1. LOL!! That is hilarious!! I have Brookie and Brian trained for these occasions too! HA!!! I Loveeeeeeeeeee the photos and loving the flag button!!!!!!

  2. Your poor, long suffering Dad!!!! But what a stunner of a page...I really love how you've used those 2 photos....& the little button on the camera! Classic:):)

  3. Haha, your poor dad! LOVE that story! I can just picture him now! And what a fun layout! Absolutely love the Singapore badge you added, and love the layers and fun angles of the photos. Seriously fabulous background, too!

  4. Heehee, I was chuckling as I read it!! Sneaky Dad!! What an amazing layout this is!! The pictures are just fabulous!! The details are perfect!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Beautiful page, love the layers and accents! Thank you for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  6. Hey that is one cool Mom to make sure things are arranaged correctly for the photo! Love your page! Feels like forever since I had a good stroll through your blog! Waving hi!

  7. Your parents are so fun! Love your photos! Your embellishing and layering and background work are just fabulous! Thanks for playing along with Stuck?!

  8. so funny... i love it.. tell your mom she arranged the cups and plates perfectly.. LOL..
    Great layout

  9. poor dad but doesn't he know the drill?! LOL
    Love the back story on this layout...super fun page!

  10. Such a wonderful layout Yvonne! Great photos and mix of patterned papers!

  11. Awesome layout, funny story! Love the journaling all around. Thanks for playing along with Stuck?!

  12. brilliant LO ... you have captured the essence here .. love it so much . fabulous use of color xoxo

  13. I enjoyed learning the story behind the photos. Your layout is great! You are lucky to have such willing subjects

  14. Great LO and details. Your Dad, is probably saying - get on with it - I'm hungry already!! TFS

  15. That is hilarious! That used to be us, with me always arranging stuff for photos and Steve just wanting to eat, but now that he's on Instagram, he's more likely than I am to rearrange food for the perfect shot. Maybe your dad just needs an IG account!

  16. Funny story, LOL! Another awesome page Yvonne! Thanks so much for joining us at Stuck?!Sketches!

  17. Very cool design, love the bright primary colours and quirky background effect. Thanks for playing along with Stuck?!

  18. Super cute! Way to stretch your stash, girl! Thanks so much for playing along with us this month at Stuck?! Sketches!

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.