

When Murphy's Law came into play....


Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
So this was one of those projects where Murphy's Law came into play. Like seriously. *winks*

Can you believe I spent an hour on the title chipboard pieces?

I really wanted them to be gold. But I couldn't find my gold Sharpie. Then I remembered that I gave it to my cousin. 

So I went in with my black Sharpie. Of course, the black on black wasn't really working so I went in with some crackle accents. However, that took forever to dry and of course, I had to test it with my finger....and kind of had to do it for all the letters to "save" them. The letters were still not standing out on the layout so I went in with my trusty white gel pen. 

But the gel pen just didn't take to the glossy uneven surface so when I was done all the letters, the white ink did a disappearing act and I had to go over everything with a white paint pen.

Well, I was pretty tired after the "drama" with the titlework so everything else was kept simple. *LOL*

Playing along with My Creative Sketches.

*Edited* This layout was featured on My Creative Sketches.



  1. Oh yes! I know exactly what you're saying.... but it's an interesting journey you've been on with those pesky alphas and they ended up looking fabulous! Love the photo with the 'cake in the fridge' note!!! And those big buttons look great!!

  2. I thought it to be chalkboard effect at first, only after I read and saw the close up I got how much the chipboard letters have gone through ;)Your hour spent was worthy as the result is FAB !

  3. Its such a wonderful layout Yvonne ..Totally agree with Pooja ..The hour you spent on the Alpha's was totally worth it ..Love the chalkboard effect !!

  4. Hate when that stuff happens :( I loveeeeeeee your lo though! I would never have known there were struggles ... I think the title work ROCKS!!!!!!!

  5. Yhprum's law, where the name is spelled backwards, is "anything that can go right, will go right" — the optimistic application of Murphy's law in reverse...........!! You did that ....just took an hour to do it Hehe!!

  6. Well the end result looks wonderful to me! Some layouts take us in a longer journey than others do! But as long as we do get to the finish line is all that matters! Love the chalk board look!

  7. wow this is totally the black and white background..

  8. Oh my gosh, I've had days like that, too!! I have the hardest time waiting for crackle paste to dry!! This is just fabulous, Yvonne!! The layout is so creative and beautiful!! And the title might have caused problems, but it was so worth it - it looks amazing!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  9. I've had those everything that could go wrong, did go wrong layouts too, Yvonne! HA! But your final result is awesome! Well worth the effort you put into the letters!! :)

  10. Yes, that is VERY familiar. Sounds like you need to put a gold Sharpie on your next holiday wish list. :)

  11. Love it and shared it on the My Creative Scrapbook Facebook Page!

  12. I would be tired after all that, too, but I have to say... your lettering turned out amazing! I really LOVE all the texture to them. The crackle effects really show through, and the white outlining is fabulous. SO love all the bold black on the whole design, too. This has got a cool chalkboard vibe to it that is super eye catching!

  13. Wow! Love how you did the titles! You rocked this.. Thanks for Playing at My Craetive Sketches!

  14. Amazing layout Yvonne! Love how the letters turned out!! Thanks for joining in the fun at My Creative Sketches!


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Cheers, Yvonne.