

Doodling in my art journal....


After a couple of failed attempts at keeping an art journal, I am totally embracing the process now. Err... I have like 5 journals. *winks*

Some nights I only create backgrounds with colorants...other nights I make more progress and actually complete pages. Like this one.:)

After applying gesso on my pages, I played with some Derwent Inktense blocks, blending the colours with a bit of water. Then I applied Liquitex Super Heavy Gesso with The Crafter's Workshop stencil. 

After that, I doodled with Daler Rowney gesso and added some splatters with Tattered Angels Gimmer Glam. I varied the intensity of the gesso with water as the effect I wanted to achieve was a semi-opaque black. 

Then I added some Tim Holtz rub-ons.

I went over my doodles with a white pen to really bring out the funky background design.

What do you think?



  1. I think it's amazing, very artsy, love those rub ons & entirely and absolutely fabulous!!!

  2. I love it! I love the white pen to bring our the swirls.. looks wonderful..

  3. I love love love it!! LOVING all those circles and the colors!!!!

  4. OMGosh, it is SO cool, Yvonne! I love the wild abandon to your art journal pages! Fabulous color. Fabulous style. I love the white highlighting. And adding the rub-ons was a brilliant idea, too!

  5. Oh my god! i just love this! it looks amazing, love the colours

  6. Amazing,You have worked wih dark colors fabulously Yvonne ! I was like what to look..the intense background,the doodling,the over all effect just superb !

  7. It's fabulous! It looks like so much fun to make.

  8. Gorgeous and amazing work. So much creativity and funky mix of colour and design...Love it... you are a true artist Yvonne :)

  9. That white against those colours is just stunning. You must be feeling a real sense of satisfaction now you have started and are keeping going ... Lovely for us, too!

  10. Absolutely gorgeous!! The details are spectacular!! I love the colors!! Outlining the doodles with a white pen was a perfect touch!! I haven't played in my journal in so long and you have inspired me!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  11. edgy, interesting, and definitely beautiful

  12. Fabulous doodling art! Wonderful.

  13. Cool effects with the black gesso. It has presence!

  14. I LOVE it. You rocked your journal pages my friend.



Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.