

The reworked canvas...


"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."                                                                                                                    Albert Einstein

I wish art was visualizing a design in your mind's eye and then just executing it to perfection... the first time round. Now, wouldn't that be awesome? *winks*

I have to confess: my canvas was reworked on 3 times. And I mean, reworked from start to finish. 3 times!!!

Before this layer of Liquitex ceramic stucco was applied with The Crafter's Workshop stencil, there was another layer of Liquitex resin sand applied with another The Crafter's Workshop stencil. That idea didn't quite pan out so I went over it with two coats of gesso, then a layer of blue paint.

So, don't be discouraged if you make mistakes on your projects. Tweak the initial idea a little and try again. 

This mixed media canvas was created for LESSology Challenge #41: Beautiful scenery. Come play along!:)



  1. This is really lovely - & you're so just gotta keep going when it doesn't do what you want it to first time round!!!! That blue background is a gorgeous colour:):)

  2. thank you for sharing this with all of us, Yvonne, and thank you for the encouragement. I often times start something then get discouraged when it doesn't look like I had envisioned! Your project is absolutely beautiful!!!! I love the textures and colors!

  3. Awesome, awesome and awesome.... I love your canvas to bits, Thank you for all your encouragement :)

  4. Great quote, Yvonne, and absolutely adorable altered canvas! Love the color. So bold and vivid, and the texture is amazing. The detail on the bird is out of this world. Love it!

  5. Try, try, try again as they say!! LOL!! I loveeeee how this turned out!! LOVING the colors and that bird!!!!!!!

  6. So true.I don't think I have ever been able to finish a canvas in one go.I always mess up and rework and I like that because it adds so much dimension to the project.Happy mistakes.Your canvas is lovely.Nice bold colours and that bird is so unique.

  7. well you totally rocked it.. this is gorgeous.. Love that bird and that background is perfect..

  8. It's absolutely gorgeous!! The colors are so beautiful!! Love the bird!! Third time's a charm because this is fabulous!! Have a great weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  9. Lovely canvas dear..I feel there are no mistakes in art..just a change of perception the shine in the colors. .gorgeous bird

  10. Such a beautiful canvas! Love your bird - beautifully done!

  11. Good on you for sticking with it! This worked out fabulous in the end!

  12. This is awesome and worth the effort! The top of the bords body looks like leather, AWESOME!!

  13. Remake totally payed off! So much flair!!! LOVE the shoe!!! And all the sparkle!

  14. Gorgeous canvas Yvonne!
    I love your birdie!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.