

A mixed media canvas with old computer parts...


So I was invited to be a guest designer over at this new Russian challenge site Evolution Scrap. I could create anything I want as long as it reflected my personal style....

Which is at this very moment, related to old computer parts because I just hit the goldmine of found stuff - my dad's "save-it-for-a-really day" computer stash! *High fives all around!*

Here's a look at the canvas with the "raw" parts glued down with gel medium...and some fiber paste applied with The Crafter's Workshop stencil.

After a layer of gesso, I went in with Izinks - pigment inks which play like watercolours but dry permanent like acrylics. Now, I must admit, at this point, I had no idea how the canvas would turn out.

So I "auditioned" some flowers on the canvas...then added more colours with Silks acrylic glaze to create the illusion of depth on the background.

Most mixed media artist tend to add the background colours to the embellishments to "blend" everything together.  I prefer to pull the colours of my blooms and other embellishments and extend them to the background for a cohesive look and letting the embellishments "pop".

I included a test-tube which I filled with pearls for a little dimensional interest. [Yes, the test-tube was in my "save-it-for-a-rainy-day" stash...*winks*].

P/s: Happy weekend friends! :)



  1. Brilliant! Computer parts..........I don't see any. Super duper!

  2. Score for you on finding your Dads stash. Amazing job on this canvas!

  3. Fab canvas, amazing that it contains old computer parts. Sooooo creative!!!

  4. Gorgeous! Glad you are getting great use out of your Izinks!

  5. Fantastic..Can anyone guess its has a circuit with a chip on it ..No one !!Its Gorgeous loved the bright flowers on metallic bg :)

  6. pretty is brilliant idea it is :) great

  7. Gorgeous canvas dear..I just finished creating one..and almost browsed your entire embellish the canvas so effortlessly. .I was having a tough time in bringing that cohesive look. .will share soon..would love to know your opinion. .you being my inspiration. ..

  8. WOW Yvonne! What an amazing card and I cannot even believe that you used old computer parts here. Your card is filled with such creativity and is absolutely beautiful!

  9. You make such amazing mixed media canvases, Yvonne! Love the texture and depth and all the unexpected bits you add to your designs. Who would ever think old computer parts could look this good? LOVE the metallic color here with the pop of more intense colors from your embellies. Beautiful!

  10. Well, that didn't take you long!!! It looks fabulous...& I'd never thought of it that way, but you're right - your embellies pop, whereas a lot of others all blend....hmmmnnn....interesting! I Would never have picked that up...yeah....a bit of a 'duh' at times, I am!!! And you would NEVER recognise the computer bits!!!

  11. So awesome! What was your Dad going to do with that computer part?

  12. Wow Yvonne! This is just soo totally amazing! Wish I could have sat and watched you do this!

  13. My gosh, I have never seen computer parts look so beautiful!! Wow!! You are amazing!! This is stunning!! The colors, design, texture - fabulous!! Gorgeous, gorgeous canvas!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  14. Wow- amazing! I never would have thought that old computer parts would make such pretty art.

  15. This is amazing!! I loveeeeeeeee the tube, the textures and loving the flowers!!! And loving that it came from an old computer!!!!!!

  16. what will you think of next.. old computer parts.. BRILLIANT.. and awesome background.. love it

  17. Amazing creation...Love the blooms and test tube...

  18. Are you kidding me?!! This is totally, amazing!!! Seriously girl, it's AWESOME! ;) Happy Friday!

  19. Ok, I am pretty sure this is true but computer parts contain precious metals so you REALLY hit the jack pot! Plus made a rock star art piece with them! I have been eye balling this canvas for what seems like days on facebook and finally got the minute I wanted to come over here for a really good oogle! Love it when you describe your process! Awesome job!

  20. I too have some computer parts saved up but had no clue what to do with them :) the way you have placed all and that test tube full of pearls is such a lovely contrast !!

  21. Amazing Mixed media with computer parts Yvonne.. loved it :)

  22. So gorgeous Yvonne! Amazing use of the computer parts! Love it!!

  23. Stunning - love how you find the most unusual items to re-use in your creations! TFS

  24. I am short of words to tell you how amazing this piece of art is! Incredibly stunning! Outstanding!

  25. Amazing! I wish I had half of your creativity!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.