

Saved by a white pen...


So I've been enjoying working in my art journal every night...throw on some colour and see how it looks in the morning. :) 

Anyway, you know how it is with mixed media as you start layering...

"Oooh....looking so good! I love gelatos!"
"Hmmm...maybe it needs a little something extra...I'll try..."
"Crap! Now it looks like shit..."
"Thank you it looks like that mess never happened..."
"Goodbye gelatos, I'm going in with my Neocolor crayons..."
"Oh yeah, this is sooooo much better...I'm so getting in the zone..."
"I think I'll stop now...what the [censored curse word]!Where did that blob come from?"
"Maybe some patterned paper to cover up? 
"That was a good save. It looks somewhat decent again."
"I think it needs a shadow effect...oh, I hate it...but it's a pencil, I can erase it..."
"Damn cheap eraser...I'll just try the smudge look..."
"Now it needs some sort of an outline...aha...I'll try my white pen."

"Why did I go in with the white pen? Now I have to outline EVERYTHING!"
"This is so not happening...I'm calling it a night." [Really sad music plays in the background...]

Next morning...
"Hey, it looks pretty decent."

Yeah, me, the drama queen. [cue laughter]

Happy weekend friends! :)



  1. Lol! Great story! And what a fabulous page! I LOVE the white pen!

  2. I had fun reading your post Yvonne !The page look fabulous !

  3. Haha! That is soooo true with Mixed media! I was laughing as I was reading your post because I've done all of that too! I think this turned out soooo good! I loooove the colours over the text and the flowers are gorgeous!

  4. This is a delightful true. Crafters all seem to suffer from touch-itis. I always seem to hear a little voice in my head (maybe it's my husband)saying, "Stop already before you wreck it!" It's nice to know you also have the same affliction. This time your save with the white out pen was a beautiful resolution. Funny I just bought a white out pen to cover up my boo-boos and now I know what else I can do with it. Thank you for the entertaining post and crafty idea.

  5. LOL! LOOOOVE the story.....soooo relate. And Thank Goodness for GESSO. It's my fall back position!!!! Your page looks totally brill:):)

  6. LOL ... censored curse word ... lol!!!!!! I loveeeeeeeeee that!!!! That is soooooo ME!!!! :) I love love love love the final result ... white pen to the rescue!!!!!

  7. I love the white pen. My playing inside a book with all those items would never result in something this amazing.

  8. LOL!! It's absolutely gorgeous!! The white pen did a fabulous job!! Love everything about this!! Stunning!! Happy Friday :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  9. You are toooo much, so funny!! I LOVE it and the white pen is perfect!!

  10. Fabulous! You are so funny! Love it!

  11. White pens are the bomb! Lovely page...glad you're happy with it. and LOL [censored curse word] my fave ;)

  12. HA! You are too funny! And sound a lot like me! lol ;) Granted you had a tough time, this came out AWESOME!!! LOVE it! Happy Friday!

  13. oh my word this is INCREDIBLE.. i love it

  14. Beautiful double page - thanks for sharing the process LOL! Wonderful post. TFS and have a great weekend.

  15. I love love love the page and your commentary on the process... hilarious.:-)

  16. It's gorgeous Yvonne! I always love your amazing Mixed Media projects!!

  17. OMGosh, that is SO how it goes, isn't it? I have those same conversations in my head every time I try to play with too much paint/ink/medium....haha! I love it, I hate it, I think I saved it, I ruined it....too funny! But seriously, this looks amazing!

  18. You are too funny! I have to share this in Facebook!! Yes that's pretty much the conversation that goes around in our heads LOL it sure did end up looking pretty decent though!!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.