

The one where I used my background paper as a paint palette...


So I'm guest designing this month with the lovely team over at The Studio Challenges. The first challenge for the month is all about stamping...the more the merrier! :)

I really wanted to use the negative diecut from my canvas memo board class. But it really needed some colour to stand out so I used some Dina Wakley paints. While the paint was still wet, I ran my stamps on it and started stamping the background. [yes, I used the wet paint on my base paper as a palette..hey, no cleaning up! *winks*].

Then I toned down the bright colours with The Crafter's Workshop stencil and Liquitex light modeling paste [love the slightly translucent quality if you add a thin layer].

While the green paint was still wet, I ran some gauze over it too [didn't have much paint the edges are a little lighter...*LOL*]



  1. a beautiful layout from the master of layouts

  2. Layout looks awesome!!! loved the background u have created with acrylics and stamps!!

  3. The effect of the gauze is lovely and really grounds your photos.

  4. Fun colors and photos. I like the excitement of the stamped elements. 'Happy' is a perfect title.

  5. Wow!!!! A pure pleasure to the eye! This is so super cool Yvonne, I love how the bg turned out with the bright colours and lots of og my favourits :)

  6. Fabulous background, cute photos too!

  7. Wow wow wow wow!!!! This is gorgeous!!!!!! I loveeeeeeeeee that background you made!!! Beautiful colors too!!!!

  8. You did the background job effortlessly!! It's amazingly awesome stamping and paint!! Love this fabulous and gorgeous layout !! Hugs x

  9. Wow - such a great look! I don't know how you pull it off. I can't imagine what a mess I would make if I used my layout as a palette!

  10. I am loving the lemony fresh n the idea to stamp with paints .The colored gauze looks Fabulous !! Wonderful LO ..

  11. So, stinkin' cool, Yvonne! Love how you've colored the cheesecloth, and your background stamping is bright and happy and ever so fun! So glad you could join us this month! Hugs!

  12. Yeah! This is AWESOME!!! Love!

  13. This is just amazing!! What a gorgeous background!! I love the colors and those sweet pictures!! So super-duper fabulous my friend!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  14. Love the stamped background..lovely colors :)

  15. This is an awesome technique, Yvonne! I love the look it created on your background!!

  16. Clever clogs!!!! Anything to save cleaning up has to be worth a try, I reckon!!!! Looks amazing & I really, REALLY like that material you've got in there, too:):)

  17. Awesome background and fabulous page!

  18. Ooooh you sure had fun with this one! About the email address on my profile - I have changed over from a blogger profile to a google one now & to add my email there means the entire world can see it. Not too sure how I feel about that so have not done it. Not too good an idea I don;t think. On the iphone thing it was a little complicated this time as I actually took over Shanes old phone so didn't have my own apple ID but now for this new one I will so I will make sure to do back ups!

  19. Looks like you had a load of fun with those stamps! Bright and happy page!

  20. OMGosh, what a cool technique! I love it!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.