

My "dark side"...on canvas


So my recent purchase of black gesso meant exploring my "dark side" on canvas too. *winks*

You can't tell but there are actually several layers was one of those projects where I liked what I did, then woke up the next day hating it...It happens a lot...*LOL*

I started with the idea of having all the photos in frames. Then I had an unfortunate incident with nephew #2's photo and was too lazy to do a I created a "room scene". With lots of stuff from my "save-it-for-a-rainy-day" stash...including a toy cabinet,a cocktail umbrella and the last scrunchie pig [insert super sad face].



  1. Oh wow, this is amazing!! The background looks so fabulous!! I love the room scene you've created!! The embellies are so fabulous, especially the scrunchie pig!! Love, love this my friend!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. This is awesome, Yvonne and I love the fun scene you created!!

  3. *sigh* you are soooooooooo amazing!!! I loveeeeeeee this so much! LOVING the rainbow goodness, the frames and the dresser!!!

    AND -- I got your package!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU sooooooo much my friend!!! My Mom is soooooooooo happy, excited and cannot thank you ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. Amazing! Love the background technique!

  5. wow super cool..i mean HOT!! love the amazing texture Yvonne! lovely scene..those frames, cabinet and camera are just adorable!!!

  6. wow this has to be one of the coolest canvases ever.. how totally awesome and I spy a fun frame.. thanks for the shout out.. Girl you just blow my mind.. you are a true artist.. I LOVE THIS..

  7. Totally loving what you did with the black gesso! The scene is so cool!

  8. The darker background really makes your collage of photos pop off the canvas - your dark side is clearly flourishing!

  9. WOW look at all the texture, awesome!

  10. Awesome and Fun and I love all the texture and ofcourse that cute pig too lol ;) T he frames with cute photos looks fab :)

  11. It looks AMAZING......would looove to see it BEFORE you changed your mind...but wow! Those little frames & the 3D effect...& the bright colours against the black. YUM!!!

  12. Awesome Yvonne superb i love your dark side on Canvas :D love the Bg it looks like tree trunk..and love the alll elements frames cabinet.. :)

  13. Love all the beautiful texture and the whole cute scene you have created :) ..The frame idea is fabulous too !
    Congrats on making it to the Crafter's workshop team ..Just saw your name in the list :)

  14. You have created 'beauty' with black background! Lovely mixed media page

  15. I don't know what rock I've been living under, but I just learned that gesso comes in black this weekend...and here you are rocking it on this adorable canvas! I absolutely LOVE how this came out! That background is SO cool! And I think the unfortunate accident with Nephew #2's photo was serendipitous, cause I love the little room scene you came up with. What fun items you add. Love the camera on the little cabinet. Sorry to see the last of the scrunchie pigs, but I know you have a ton of other fun and whimsical goods to keep surprising us with!

  16. Awesome texture in the background Yvonne and those frames look like paintings on an art museum all the cute stuff..the cabinet, the camera, the umbrella and ohhh soooo sweet pig !!!

  17. Oh wow, you scared me with your dark side. Not. :p
    Black gesso actually looks pretty cool, the cabinet and the umbrella are awesome.

  18. Amazing textures and design, super cute pictures.

    Hugs Diane

  19. It's super cool and so creative! I'm always blown away by how unique your projects are.

  20. I am loving your dark side,You have created a fab room scene Yvonne !loved the cabinet,umbrella..Could never imagine using this stuff in projects n the textures Wow !

  21. Lovely combo of happy colors and dark background!

  22. This is totally awesome! Love your dark side!

  23. Your canvas is so awesome. Yep the dark side is looking pretty good.


  24. Cool beans! LOVE that cabinet!! Looks so Ingvild Bolmey !!!

  25. LOL that is too cute!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.