

The story about the mid-sleep position


I look forward to Saturday afternoons when my niece and nephew are off to afternoon dreamland... I get 2 - 3 hours of creative bliss. :) I prefer to stay in the room because they tend to wake up mid-sleep and if they don't spot an adult, there will be some ugly crying...*LOL*

I'm always amused when they switch to their mid-sleep about the same time. *winks* 

Maybe they were having the same dream? *winks*

Playing along with 123 challenge.



  1. Children are such funny and cute sleepers! Love that you have these pics....I don't have such photos b/c my little one would wake up if I snuck in for a photo :) What an adorable page...choo choo train dream..bliss...

  2. Such an adorable page Yvonne, and great story behind the photos! They are so cute!!

  3. This is just so adorable! I love those photos and of course your layout!

  4. Oh my gosh, how absolutely adorable are they!! It's too cute that they switch to the same position!! What a fabulous layout!! All of the details are awesome!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. That is sooooooo funny they both change positions like that! I loveeeeeeeeee this!!! I love love love love the colors and the clouds!!!!!

  6. That is ADORABLE! Great layout. I need to find some of that alphabet Coredinations - it is so cute!

  7. What an adorable layout Yvonne!
    I could stare at it for hours with all of these yummy details ;)
    Thank You~

  8. Awesome sweet layout Yvonne !! and fun pics and cute details.. :)felt bloom is cute ..

  9. WOw Soo Sweet ! Loved the embossed alphabets bg n the cute little embellishments you have added !

  10. lovely layout Yvonne, love the pics and your ability to pick these beautiful moments, hugs

  11. These must be THE cutest sleep photos EVER...totally gorgeous & those sequins...YUM....and you used ribbon! I find it so hard to use & I've got so much of it [sigh...].....really enjoyed looking at all the bits & bobs you've combined on this one:):)

  12. Oh those photos made me smile.. kids are so funny with their sleeping positions!! Fabulous layout, so many goodies to find on here.. and thanks so much for joining in with the 123 challenge too..

  13. Isn't that funny? How can that be comfortable! Kids!

    Love this layout, awesome way to document those fun pictures!

    1. Guess they feel being in their mother's womb,eh?

  14. This is soooooooooooooo precious!!!! Love what you've done here!!!!!!!! The photos are fabulous!!!!! LOVE the sleep positions....too cute! What a great capture and memory!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. This is just such a cute page - love the entire page with all your details but those pictures are just precious!

  16. your too funny.. ugly crying.. LOL.. That was too funny but so true.. Love this layout..

  17. Cute story and cute page!

  18. Adorable photos and creative layout. I wonder why sometimes I don't see your post until way later. Maybe it gets delayed somewhere. Well, I'm glad that I scrolled down to this's a cutie patootie!

  19. This is so fun and absolutely adorable! Totally smile to see the bits of Webster's goodies on here. LOVE how you used the little train! the modeling paste with the punchinella and sequins is so, so cool, too!

  20. Absolutely amazing layout and totally adorable photos ;))
    Thanks for joining us at 123 Challenge Blog :)

  21. Those little thought bubbles are so wonderful. I've pinned this one.

  22. Oh Yvonne this just so cute and adorable and gorgeous. Its like they sync sleep!!! Love the way you've captured this very special (and fun) memory! I hope you'll join us at 123 again!! :)

  23. Oh Yvonne this just so cute and adorable and gorgeous. Its like they sync sleep!!! Love the way you've captured this very special (and fun) memory! I hope you'll join us at 123 again!! :)


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.