

Batch the way I roll


I tend to work on several projects at the same time...mediums need time to dry [too lazy to get out the heat gun *winks*], sometimes I can't decide on which creative direction I want to head to OR I'm just having a bad art day [Believe me, it happens a lot...*LOL*]. So when it's a good art day, batch processing is the way to go for me.

Like with this card. Since I had the sewing machine all set up for my layout stitching, I put together some paper scraps for a quick card too. :)

What about you? Do you need to work on a project from start-to-finish before you move on? OR do you want on several at the same time and batch process them if they include similar materials/techniques?



  1. Super cute, love the stitching!

  2. I work on several at a time and leave them in various stages of 'to be finished':D

  3. I was definitely a start to finish Kinda gal! Loving your card my friend!


  4. Until yesterday I would have said single page at a time but I had this tight deadline and I decided to work on 2 pages simultaneously (waiting for mediums to dry) and it actually worked out! I'm certainly doing that again, I'm a convert ;) Adorable card by the way!

  5. super cute card! Love the stitching! I'm totally with you on the batch processing!! I always have way more than one project on the go!

  6. I am definitely a batch creator. Once I have the stuff out, might as well do more. Sometimes I just make extra parts and decide what to do with them later. I love that card...the zigzag stitching is the perfect touch.....reminds me I need to fix my sewing machine. LOL! The card has great color combinations.

  7. I was in awe when you told me you have more than one project on the go at once...I don't usually operate that way...but I applaud you! Cute card! Mind you, my sewing machine is out all the time.....just a shame it only does straight stitch:(

  8. What a great idea, Yvonne! I just love your beautiful card and especially like the way you did the stitching!!!!

  9. Super Cute card!! Sometimes I work on more than one project. I tend to do that when I get creative block and then move on.

  10. Hearts in speech bubble lovely ! I can concentrate on one project at a time no batch processing !

  11. I love this fun card and yahoo for the stitching!

    I work on one project a time and tend to do it from start to finish...meaning photo and schedule a blog post.

  12. I am so disgustingly OCD ... it is one at a time for me! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeee this! LOVING those hearts!!!!

  13. Super cute card - I'm definitely a start to finish - AND on top of that I have to completely clean off my desk before I tackle something new.

  14. Love this! Soooooooooooo cute!

  15. This is so adorable!! I lot the stitching and the hearts!! The scalloped edge is fabulous!! Most of the time, I'm a start to finish crafter unless I need to let gesso or embossing paste dry :) Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  16. I'm definitely a batch crafter. I always have dozens (literally) of projects going at once. I am incapable of starting and finishing one project without working on at least two or three others in the meantime.

  17. It's pretty much one at a time for me too. Once in a while I might get crazy and work on too lol!!

  18. sweet card :)
    i tend to finish one (and clean up!) before starting a new project............i get blown way off course if i don't and end up with nothing getting finished :)

  19. Love all the stitching on this card! If I am card making I do one at a time. Now scrapbooking is another story. I have tons of projects in some kind of start mode.

  20. Adorable card, Yvonne!! I have to take on one project at a time. Multiple projects going on all at once, would stress me out!! :)

  21. Fabulous card! Love the layers and stitching! TFS

  22. Haha, I love Julie's comment! And I have to say ditto for me....I can only concentrate on one thing at a time...well unless you count my stitchy projects....I always have at least one of those going on in the background. :)
    LOVE your adorable card! The little ticket tab is adorable, and I love that speech bubble. Great combo of papers and colors, too. And your stitching....SO fabulous!

  23. So fresh and fun! I like learning about your process.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.