

For the love of pizza...


Last month, I met my sister for lunch TWICE at this new pizza place called Mad for Garlic. Yep, if there were ever a vampire apocalypse, this is the place to flee to because of all the garlic...*LOL*

Oh yeah, we really love pizza! *winks*
I did my photo collage in Photoshop and decided to add some digi elements. Huge time saver....:)

Then, just add some textures...fabric buttons, washi tape and twine from Purple Pumpkin, stickers from SRM Stickers and Blue Fern Studios chipboard!

This was based on the November sketch challenge at Purple Pumpkin.

P/s: Please play along with my guest Sandie's challenge and LESSology Challenge #30: Kitchen Raid!



  1. this looks fabulous! great fun moments, love the gorgeous paper in the back ground!

  2. lovely fresh colors and the focus remains firmly on the central arrangement even though there are so many different elements on this layout. love it Yovnne !!

  3. lovely fresh colors and the focus remains firmly on the central arrangement even though there are so many different elements on this layout. love it Yovnne !!

  4. what a fun layout for a fun time :)

  5. Oooh ! I have that ppp 'lurking' somewhere - you've done a fabulous job with it...& I've just got photoshop...FINALLY...can't wait to do collages like this....looks really great...FUN!!!!!!!!!

  6. Love the name of the pizza place! Love the layout as always. How was the pizza?

    1. The pizza was good but pricey...yay for Groupon! *winks*

  7. What can I say Yvonne but awesome , awesome and super awesome
    I love this page to bits with the super cool photos. It looks like the two of you had loads of FUN :)

  8. I love pizza... and I have the thighs to prove it! HA!! I loveeeeeeeee this! LOVING the photos, the stickers on the photos and the arrows!!!!

  9. What an awesome layout!! The paper is gorgeous!! I love that you added elements in Photoshop...I need to remember that!! And the pizza looks so yummmmmy!! Happy Friday :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  10. Great layout! I'd totally meet you there. I love garlic, but Steve is allergic so I can't cook with it. :( I try to eat as much as possible when I go out.

  11. This page is so yummy and fun! I love pizza too!

  12. Wonderful! Love the fabric buttons and bloom and fabulous backing paper! TFS

  13. Now I'm hungry for pizza. :) It looks great in your photos. And I love the name of that restaurant, too funny! Your layout is gorgeous--love how you included so many photos.

  14. Gotta love a layout about pizza!! ;) That background paper is a-maz-ing Yvonne, and I love the touches of Black you added!

  15. Yvonne you are so funny! Never quite thought of the consumption of garlic as the way out of the vampire apocalypse :D I do love the bold flower background and those cool arrows!

  16. woooooooow!!! such a great layout! funny and awesome! :)

  17. Garlic!!! Love but I hate the smell afterwards!...LOL...

    But I love pizza too... especially the thin crust!

    Gorgeous layout as always... hugs...x

  18. Fun photos..!! I loved the grouping of photos n center and the pp used looks Fab !!

  19. Gorgeous! This really made me smile!!

  20. How totally yum! And a gorgeous layout, too! So love all the texture and that large floral print is just fabulous!

  21. Wow!!!!!!!! This is gorgeous! I really love the mix on this and your design. The flower in the lower left is the perfect pretty!

  22. What a pretty page, Yvonne! Really love the peaches and aquas, and your photo grid is perfect!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.